Born in Vesterbro in Odense 1953.
From I was 2-13 years old, I lived in Marstal on the small island Ærø.
Back in Odense, I went to school at 'Vestre Skole'.
My forming teacher Mogensen encouraged me to start painting for real, and I had my first exhibition at my school.
At the age 17,I was accepted at
the Funen Art Academy
where I went in the years 1970-1976.'

Member of Billedkunstnernes Forbund (Danish Association of Visual Artists)
Member of Funen Graphic Workshop
Member of PABiAK
"Graphichs at Funen" (Grafikere på Fyn)
"24 Danish artists" (24 Danske Kunstnere)
"Funen Art" (Fynsk Kunst)
"Joe Cillen 1977-1993"
"Magic and Peoples Art" (Magi og Folkekunst)
"Danish Art 99 and 02"
Chairman for the Association of Visual Artists at Funen 1986-89
Member of the central board in the Association of Visual Artists 2003
Association of Visual Artists (BKF) member of the committee of admission 1990-92 and 2005-07
Assens Art Council member 2018-2020+2022-