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Women gallery

Mobilito is the name of my new prints, created on my smartphone. I draw directly on my smartphone with a special marker, afterwards processing the sketch on the phone. Thus, the Mobilito pieces are noting like art prints; a photography of a piece of art, printed on paper and re-sold. The mobilito, on the other hand, are original pieces of graphic art, printed directly from my smartphone – consider the special marker as my needle and the smartphone as my printing plate. Womangallery is the first Mobilito series and is distinguished from my paintings by being figurative. I retrieve the concept of the woman figures from some of my earliest pieces of graphic prints back in the 1970ies. Womangallery can be bought in pieces of eight Mobilotos printed on 260g of quality printing paper in a cover. App. 10 * 10 cm. Each piece are signed and printed in copies of 100.